Letting the cat out of the bag....
Author: BakeTime to see who's paying attention to my blog. That little picture is the newest addition the Baker family. He/she is due to arrive Jan 21st.
Just so I can have a little fun with the blog feel free to submit name ideas in the comments section. We haven't had very good luck coming up with some on our own so throw some ideas out there.
cute idea hope people are checking it out.
We're sure EXCITED!!!
Congratulations, Bakers!!!
Jane is a great name for a girl :)!
Now you have my attention!! Congratulations!! January is the best month to be born!! As far as helping you with a creative idea- heavens!! if I was that creative I would have my own blog!!
Congrats!! We are so happy for you guys. As far as finding a name...Braeden was already born before we could pick a name for him so we are probably not the people to ask. Good Luck!!
Congratulations Mike Stacey and Kiersten! What an exciting time for you. Pick something individualistic! Will be keeping track! Wade, Corrie & Wyatt!
Congrats Baker Family! We hope that all are doing well.
Here are some names I like:
Tanner (Girl or Boy)
Any name you choose will be wonderful.
Having a second child sure does change things, but you get to have double the precious moments!
Good Luck!
Jacob and Emma are some of the more popular names these days :)
Thats very exciting news. I will pay more attention now!!
Congratulations! Hard to imagine that Kiersten will be a Big Sister!
I think a Dutch name would be appropriate to go with Baker, since you used a Norwegian name the 1st time. Love, Rick and Mary
I feel that grandchildren are blessings sent as rewards from heaven for having such wonderful children! We are so very proud of you and your growing family. "Keep em comin", I will spoil them all.
Zebidiah or Matthew William
Elizabeth or Katie Lyn
Grandma pushed the "enter" too fast, but anonymous is Poppa Baker
I'm not afraid to stand by my name suggestions. Remember, I had a dream that you had an Elizebeth.