Sockum Ridge
Author: Bake
What a day for a race. I had the car loaded up at 8:30 and ready to head east to Sockum Ridge by Washington, Iowa. This was race #2 of the season (last two have been cancelled by weather) and I was anxious to get back out racing.
Jason Plunkett and I headed out for a pre ride of the race course. I was feeling good and even the first long double track climb didn’t bother me. I was actually thinking I could put a little extra effort in this section and have a better start for once. The first half of the pre ride was going well. The course Andy had put together was a little fresh and I was watching my speed thru corners so I didn’t slip out. When we got to the firsts big single track climb I saw two riders had already gotten off and started hiking. I put the hammer down and Teri Pottorff was cheering me on to make the climb. I made it to the top and continued on. Teri and Sam jumped in behind Sam and I and we rode on. Then things went downhill literally. I was feeling good and started to let the speed increase on a downhill and out went my front wheel. I landed fairly gracefully and brushed off the debris and continued on. The first time I went to use my front brake the lever just pulled straight to my handlebar. I looked down and realized my cable had pulled out of the caliper and I had lost my brake fluid in my front brake.
Back at the starting area it was decision time. I had my other bike and couldn’t decide to try the race with no front brake or on the single speed. I decided to go with no front brake and just control my speed before the descents.
In hindsight this was a really bad decision. I hung at the back of the pack to start so I could figure out how I was going to ride with no brake. Yeah, well that was a real stupid idea. I mentally had myself out of the race for two of the three laps. I was way overcautious with my speed and fell way back. Nearly done with the 2nd lap I heard some thunder booming overhead. By the start of the third lap it had started to rain. For some odd reason this is about the time I started kicking it in gear. I caught Teri about halfway and passed her. The rain had made the course good and slippery by this point but I felt fine. Nearing the end I got a little loose on a downhill and had to use a tree for some braking assistance. “Snap!” went the tree as I grabbed it to avoid going flying into the woods.