New record

Author: Bake

I think I just set a personal record for time between posts. Bad blogging on my part for all 3 of my readers out there.

I'd love to put up some of the pics I've been taking but Kai has hidden my card reader somewhere and I've yet to find it. No surprise though after I search for my camera's lens cap for about a month and just by chance found it at my sister's yesterday.

What's new...

- Got a used (new to me) big screen courtesy of Jacob who is making some room for baby. This also got me itching to start working on reviving my basement guy room like I had in my townhouse.


- Traded off the Pathfinder for bigger vehicle that will tow the boat a little better. It's a gas guzzler but dang it's a nice ride.

Kids are doing great. As always they are keeping us busy. Kiersten is nearing the end of her dance class and has a recital coming up in May. Kai is getting good at being awnry. Kiersten was the start to my gray hairs but Kai is going to finish that job.

Biking wise things are rather slow. Weather is keeping things sloppy out there. Time wise it'll be tough getting out this year so I'm just going to do like I always do and make sure I enjoy every minute I do get out. I think it's time to invest in a trailer for Kiersten.


2 Responses to “New record”

  1. Trek830SS

    I thought maybe this thing was broken.... Glad to see it still works. You might have to start riding your bike to work so you can save some gas money with that new Tahoe ;)

    Oh yeah, nice TV!


  2. Julie

    Definitely need a trailer! Get a double and pull both...Alexa LOVES riding in hers and she is only a couple months older than Kai. You could get some good hill climbs over at the dam hill on the trail pulling the kids!!

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