Back on track...hopefully
Author: Bake
I've been a putz lately with posting. My biggest excuse is that I couldn't find my camera that went MIA about a month ago. Much to Stacie's chagrin I used that as an excuse to go buy a replacement pocket camera. I ran out to American tonight and picked up a Canon SD1000. I'm a photo nut so I know darn well I'll get my money's worth out of it.
I managed to snag a few photos to test it out before Kiersten headed off to bed...Kai was already down for the night unfortunately.
Here Kiersten was complaining after she ran into the foot rest of the recliner.
Despite never listening to me or doing what I say she'll follow this gal on tv word for word(notice the gal on the tv) on doing these stretch exercises. Go figure.
Now here she is giving me the "ah dad, how can you put me to bed when I look this cute" look.
Headed out last night with some buddies for the first annual "Daddy's Night Bike Ride". Since so many of us of becoming dad's riding time comes at a premium and we're finding that after bath and bed time is our best chance to escape. Hanser, Justin, Jacob, Jeff, Sammy, Sean and I met down at the pool parking lot and took turns playing follow the leader thru hillside. After two hours my legs were cooked and cramping. From there Jacob and I threw down a couple cold ones on his porch before calling it a night. I'll steal some pictures from Justin when he updates his blog.
Heather-Be sure to keep in touch about Father's Day weekend. Stacie and I would love to get together with you and Matt. Also change my email on your picture email so we can keep up with Ainslea.(I didn't spell that right did I?)
good call on the Canon... I have the 600, love it!... good ride the other night, I'll be at Banner tomorrow night, but not too late... six pm... could go as dark as Guinness, or he likes Newcastle Brown Ale. He likes to try new stuff too...sorry I'm not much help!
His favorite is Old Chub, made in CO and only available in a few states. The website he was ordering from is currently offline...bummer!
Hope you enjoyed my Fat Tires that are still in Jacob's fridge.