Yesterday's commute home from work was nice with me admiring a few snowflakes falling. I pulled into my driveway and noticed that it was actually lightly covered with snow and the neighbors on the other side were just wet. I jokingly thought I should fire up the snowblower and give Stacie a chuckle. But no I went inside and snacked on some peanut clusters. When Stacie and Kiersten arrived home the snow had picked up. I was surprised to see the 1/2 inch Mr. Gertz had said we'd get (during the 5:00PM news) had turned into about 2 inches.

Feeling lazy I fired up the new snowthrower and tested her out. Seemed to work better after I completely filled the gas tank. I need to adjust the shovel plate because it was constantly throwing snow under it and back between my feet.

Christmas is only a few days away and as usual I'm behind on getting gifts. Oh's just not Christmas unless I'm out shopping on Christmas Eve.


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